The Holiness of God
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The Holiness of God

Bob Deffinbaugh (article)

When we acknowledge our sin, our unrighteousness, and trust in Christ’s death on our behalf, we are born again. Our sins are forgiven. Our unholiness is cleansed. We become a child of God.

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The Particular Temptations of Young Men
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The Particular Temptations of Young Men

Tim Challies

Young men have it tough. In so many ways, this world seems to have been custom-crafted to take advantage of their weaknesses, their flaws, their immaturities.

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Sometimes Flight Is the Best Fight
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Sometimes Flight Is the Best Fight

Jon Bloom Don’t try to reason with your sin-infected appetites. An aroused appetite is almost always unreasonable. When a desire is awakened in you to indulge in some sin, your best defense is often escape. 

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Temptation Stalking
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Temptation Stalking

Ravi Zacharias Today on Just A Thought, Ravi Zacharias talks about the temptations that exist for all in regards to sexual purity. He then proceeds to explain the proper role and relationship that God has designed for men and women in this area.

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On “Stranger Things” and Being a Big Prude
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On “Stranger Things” and Being a Big Prude

Tim Challies Why am I such a prude? It isn’t because I don’t like to watch movies and shows—I really do. It isn’t because I try to be holier than thou—at least I hope not. I am a prude because when I am exposed to sex and nudity on the screen my conscience immediately sends out signals.

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Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography
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Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography

Paul Maxwell A lot of Christian advice about porn addicts is unhelpful — meaning, it doesn’t contribute to real progress in repentance, healing, restoration, and recovery. Often, Christian advice either has its head in the clouds of theology and biblical references, or is a list of superficial how-tos. How is the gospel relevant to failing and trying again? 

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Overcome Porn: 40 Day Challenge
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Overcome Porn: 40 Day Challenge

Covenant Eyes Overcome Porn is a 40 day program that helps you break free from the temptations of pornography. Each day you’ll learn how to run from porn, run to God, and run with somebody in pursuit of holiness.

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The Great Porn Experiment
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The Great Porn Experiment

Covenant Eyes One of the big problems with doing research about the effect of video pornography on people is its hard to find a control group. Not too long ago a researcher from the University of Montreal couldn't find a control group of men in their 20s who had never consumed porn. But there was a study that was done in the mid-80s, before the dawn of the World Wide Web, and the results are fascinating.

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Three Reasons to Not Make Sexually Immoral Jokes
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Three Reasons to Not Make Sexually Immoral Jokes

Julian Freeman Paul warns the Ephesians that they ought not to joke about sexual sins. Why would he do that? Does God not have a sense of humor? Are we just supposed to be a bunch of prudes with out-dated morals? I suggest that from the text, there are at least three reasons...

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Letters to a New Believer, Part Four
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Letters to a New Believer, Part Four

Aaron Armstrong  Dear new believer, Emily and I had lived together, more or less, since 2000. In 2001, we got our first apartment together. In late 2004, we bought a house together. And then in 2005 Jesus saved us and made a mess of everything. When it came to realizing what the Bible says about sexual immorality applied to us, we were a little slow on the uptake...

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