How to read the Bible lesson 5
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How to read the Bible lesson 5

Michael DeFazio (video)

In this series, Michael DeFazio will help you hear God’s voice by learning how to read the Bible more effectively.

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Why I Don’t Write ‘Christian’ Novels
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Why I Don’t Write ‘Christian’ Novels

Barnabas Piper N. D. Wilson has written two acclaimed works of non-fiction, Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl and Death by Living. Such books are bread and butter in church circles. They’re books we can learn from, books that make statements of truth, books with lessons.

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A Quiz on the Doctrine of Scripture
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A Quiz on the Doctrine of Scripture

Tim Challies God has spoken and God speaks. God has spoken and continues to speak through the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. How well do you know the doctrine of the Scripture? This short thirty-three question quiz is designed to help you find out.

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Your Bible Is a Mine, Not a Museum
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Your Bible Is a Mine, Not a Museum

Jon Bloom The more we wonder over the Bible, the more wonder-full we discover it is. That’s why we must think of the Bible more as a mine than a museum...

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