Finding Truth
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Finding Truth

Francis Chan (video series)

In this four-session series, pastor and author Francis Chan invites students into the power and confidence that comes from anchoring their identity, purpose, and relationships in the truth of Scripture.

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How to Read the Bible Lesson 8
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How to Read the Bible Lesson 8

Michael DeFazio (video)

In this series, Michael DeFazio will help you hear God’s voice by learning how to read the Bible more effectively.

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How Should We Read Jesus's Parables?
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How Should We Read Jesus's Parables?

Jared C. Wilson (article)

The parables, in fact, allow us to peek behind the veil between earth and the place where God’s will is most manifest, showing us glimpses of the day when that veil will be torn in two.

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Armed with Truth
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Armed with Truth

Armed with Truth Armed With Truth was born to give you a ultra convenient (yet dashingly fashionable) way memorize scripture for a few seconds a day --everyday. The temporary tattoos are made for your inner wrists...

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A Quiz on the Doctrine of Scripture
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A Quiz on the Doctrine of Scripture

Tim Challies God has spoken and God speaks. God has spoken and continues to speak through the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. How well do you know the doctrine of the Scripture? This short thirty-three question quiz is designed to help you find out.

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Why I’m Not A Mormon

Eric Davis Living where I do, the topic of the Mormon faith often arises. It’s a religion which is gathering quite a few adherents, especially outside the USA. But if you were to ask me why I do not ascribe to Mormonism, I would begin by giving these three reasons...

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