17 Benefits to Reading the Entire Bible
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17 Benefits to Reading the Entire Bible

Kristen Wetherell Last year was the first time I had used a pre-made reading schedule, and it was helpful in numerous ways. I’d encourage you to go through the entire Bible for these 17 reasons:

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Resolutions Are Not Enough
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Resolutions Are Not Enough

David Mathis

New Year’s resolutions can be an important first step, but they are a far cry from real, lasting change. But by focusing on a few changes instead of many, resolutions can result in significant growth.

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Pray the Bible
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Pray the Bible

MatthewHenry.org Need some direction on how to start praying or a new idea to keep praying? Here's a resource...

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Temptation Stalking
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Temptation Stalking

Ravi Zacharias Today on Just A Thought, Ravi Zacharias talks about the temptations that exist for all in regards to sexual purity. He then proceeds to explain the proper role and relationship that God has designed for men and women in this area.

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Satan Hunts Among the Hurting
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Satan Hunts Among the Hurting

Marshall Segal The enemy of your hope and happiness hunts with that same instinct, with a cold-hearted and ruthless hunger for the weak or hurting. Satan prowls like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). And because he’s clever, he spends a lot of his time among the suffering.

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How to Combat the Demonic

J.D. Greear When it comes to the demonic, people fall into two errors—not wanting to talk about it at all, or not wanting to talk about anything else. As C. S. Lewis said, “Humanity falls into two equal and opposite errors concerning the Devil. Either they take him altogether too seriously or they do not take him seriously enough...”

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