Five Prayers for Those Who Wait
Scott Hubbard (article)
No matter how mundane, and no matter how far off from the world of our dreams, today is the day that the Lord has made. It is a gift, even if a different gift than we expected.
Lies That Keep Women from the Word
Rachel Jankovic (article)
“The word has priceless value without us — and we are invited to partake of it all the time.”
What was Paul's thorn in the flesh? (article)
Whether the “thorn” we struggle with today is physical, emotional, or spiritual, we can know that God has a purpose and that His grace is all-sufficient.
Thabiti Anyabwile (article)
If we’re focusing on others in an attempt to justify ourselves before God or to “exalt ourselves” as “giants of the faith,” we will not only not grow as we ought, but we will also delude ourselves into thinking we’re better than we are.
Praying for Christchurch
Tim Thornborough (article)
We pray that you would bring great glory to yourself through these troubled times, as you incline the hearts of people to seek you, and find forgiveness, new life and eternal peace through Christ our Lord. Amen.