How to Criticize Other Christians without Being Mean
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How to Criticize Other Christians without Being Mean

Matt Smethurst At various times in my Christian life I’ve been startled by the ease with which I can jump to conclusions, assume the worst, and demonize those with whom I disagree. In these moments the Lord has often reminded me, sometimes painfully, of a simple truth: Matt, don’t let your zeal for principle eclipse your love for people.


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5 Things I Pray I Will Not Do as a Senior Adult in the Church
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5 Things I Pray I Will Not Do as a Senior Adult in the Church

Thom Rainer I have to admit I view church life differently. In fact, I sometimes scare myself with my rigid attitude. I need to write these words quickly lest I become too comfortable or too complacent. I have five specific prayers. They are for me. They are for my attitude about my church. They are reminders I will need to review constantly...

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My Side, Your Side, or Neither

Derrick Lynch Church conflict is an ugly, Spirit-quenching, gospel-obscuring tragedy.  Aside from the times where it may be necessary as matters of theology and holiness are at stake, conflict is the result of far more trivial concerns being elevated to crusade-worthy status...

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