Four Truths About God's Provision
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Four Truths About God's Provision

Matt Brown God always provides for his children, though often it is not in the way we expect or hope. The challenge is for us to see his provision and care, even when it is different than we expect. 

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If the Lord Wills
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If the Lord Wills

Mark Dupré A century ago, it was not uncommon to see the letters “DV” at the end of correspondence written in English. The two letters meant Deo Volente, Latin for “God willing.” While not directly quoting James 4, it was a clear reference to its main idea...

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Patience is Not Optional for the Christian
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Patience is Not Optional for the Christian

Albert Mohler Most of us recognize that patience is one of the cardinal Christian virtues—we’re just in no hurry to obtain it. Others just define patience as a delay in getting what we want. As Margaret Thatcher once famously remarked: “I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.”

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5 Signs Waiting Has Weakened Your Faith
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5 Signs Waiting Has Weakened Your Faith

Paul Tripp When God asks you to wait, what happens to your spiritual muscles? While you wait, do your spiritual muscles grow bigger and stronger, or do they become flaccid and atrophied? Waiting for the Lord isn't about God forgetting you It's actually God giving you time to consider his glory...

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