Why ‘The Greatest Showman’ Captured the American Imagination
The Gospel Coalition (article)
It’s not our own understanding (“This is me”) that matters most, but God’s declaration over us—“This is who I made you to be.”

Should I Invest in Retirement?
John Piper (audio/article)
“The way I think about retirement, is that you should start doing different things for Jesus.”

Enjoy Your Possessions Before They Possess You
Tony Reinke (article)
To be truly human is to express a Godward gratitude in the delights of creation.

How Much Entertainment is too much?
John Piper (article/audio)
Seek to bring every act into connection with the Lord — to see every entertainment as a gift from God and a revelation of himself, as a path of worshipful enjoyment, and as a means of doing good for other people.

Where's Your Heart?
Randy Alcorn
God wants your heart. He isn't looking just for "donors" for His kingdom, He's looking for disciples.

4 Times In Life You Should Expect To Face Temptation
Tim Challies Temptation is a mysterious thing. There must be method to the madness, there must be patterns of how and when we are tempted by specific sins. There are some times in life when you should be especially wary, when temptation is especially likely.