Just Do Something
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Just Do Something

Kevin DeYoung (book/chapter)

Too many of us have passed off our instability, inconsistency, and endless self-exploration as “looking for God’s will,” as if not making up our minds and meandering through life were marks of spiritual sensitivity.

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   Saying that a Christian should expect, work for, and experience growth isn’t the end of the issue. For the Christian to grow in a healthy way, we must clarify what growth is and is not. Ours is a superficial culture that lays emphasis on
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Thabiti Anyabwile (article)

If we’re focusing on others in an attempt to justify ourselves before God or to “exalt ourselves” as “giants of the faith,” we will not only not grow as we ought, but we will also delude ourselves into thinking we’re better than we are.

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How Much Entertainment is too much?
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How Much Entertainment is too much?

John Piper (article/audio)

Seek to bring every act into connection with the Lord — to see every entertainment as a gift from God and a revelation of himself, as a path of worshipful enjoyment, and as a means of doing good for other people.

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How to Choose Your Next Job
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How to Choose Your Next Job

John Piper

(Article) He made you to work. And he cares about what you do with the half of your waking life called “vocation.” He wants you to rejoice in it. And he wants to be glorified in it.

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The Secret to Job Satisfaction
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The Secret to Job Satisfaction

Marshall Segal

The hard reality is that we can't glorify God in the job we want (at least not yet). But we can glorify God in the job we have. 

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Your 9-5 Is Not in Vain
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Your 9-5 Is Not in Vain

Andre Yee What do you do when you experience fruitlessness or even failure in your work? How do you respond when your hard work yields poor results?

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Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me
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Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me

John Piper At 70, I am energized to dream great things, because this year Hillary turns 69, Bernie turns 75, and Donald turns 70. My rising energy has nothing to do with their policies or character. It has to do with the incredible fact that all of them want to spend their seventies doing the hardest job in the world.

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