3 Easy Ways to Engage the Bible
The Bible Project (article/videos)
Through the Bible, Jesus transforms us.
Freedom from Guilt and Shame
Pete Briscoe (reading plan)
In this reading plan based on Hebrews 9:1-14, Pete Briscoe talks about finding freedom from the guilt, shame, and embarrassment that comes from sin.
Professional Football Players On Humility & Surrender
Carson Wentz (reading plan)
Carson Wentz's Audience of One (A01) and friends discuss scriptures about staying humble and walking in surrender to the Lordship of Jesus.
4 Ways Netflix Perpetuates Modern Anxieties
Brett McCracken (article)
When everything is at our disposal, on our timeline and to our liking, we’ll naturally experience stress under the weight of consumerist freedom.
Who Watches Porn? 3 Key Predictors of Porn Use
Jay Stringer (article)
Pornography reveals your sin, but far more, it reveals the themes of your life that God is relentlessly committed to transforming within you.
“Let Your Light Shine” — Should I Instagram My Good Works?
John Piper (article/audio)
We should be deeply content with the reward of God — knowing him, loving him, treasuring him as supremely satisfying.
How Should we think about Abortion?
Justin Taylor (podcast)
How to be a light against the darkness of abortion.
How to Fight Racism, Part 1 - Awareness
Jemar Tisby (article)
While activists have initiated remarkable progress when it comes to race in America, the struggle for black freedom continues. The reality is that racism remains.
How can one person take us closer to racial justice? These three bywords will help
Jemar Tisby (article)
No matter how aware you are, your knowledge will remain abstract and theoretical until you care about the people who face the negative consequences of racism.
How Churches Can Address Hidden Feelings of Prejudice and Racism
Jackie Hill Perry (video)
Jackie Hill Perry discusses how churches can seek to uproot sins of racism and insensitivity that can persist in a church: by creating a community that values the image of God in all people.
How Much Entertainment is too much?
John Piper (article/audio)
Seek to bring every act into connection with the Lord — to see every entertainment as a gift from God and a revelation of himself, as a path of worshipful enjoyment, and as a means of doing good for other people.
Lay Aside the Weight of Self-Pity
Jon Bloom (article)
If self-pity has become an ingrained habit over a long time, freedom can be yours in Christ, but only through the constant practice of laying aside this sin.
Praying for Christchurch
Tim Thornborough (article)
We pray that you would bring great glory to yourself through these troubled times, as you incline the hearts of people to seek you, and find forgiveness, new life and eternal peace through Christ our Lord. Amen.