Beyond Stories: An AIM Update

“Of the 27.6 million people in forced labor… 6.3 million in forced commercial sexual exploitation” - International Labour Institution

Sex trafficking is a lesser-known global issue, yet is a rapidly rising one. The International Labour Institution (ILO) reports that 6.3 million people were involved in forms of sexual exploitation in 2021. The same report surmised that women and girls account for 4.9 million of the previous statistic. It is an utterly heart-wrenching reality that desperately needs a solution.

An organization that is a part of the solution is Agape International Missions (AIM). AIM is a justice-forced organization in Cambodia that actively works against sex trafficking. They align forces with local police to rescue women and girls and provide them with healing, empowerment, and protection through a safe home, counseling, and opportunities for jobs and education.

On April 5th of 2023, AIM reported that their SWAT team, in tandem with local police, raided a brothel fronting as a massage parlor in southern Phnom Penh. They rescued one minor and three adults and detained a suspect.

The survivors were interviewed by police, where they confirmed that they were – in fact – sold to customers for the profit of the suspect. The suspect admitted to their part in the crime and was subsequently charged with child sex trafficking-related offenses.

The minor was taken to AIM’s Restoration Home for care and support through her healing journey. The adults were transferred to the local district social affairs office, and AIM social workers will be available to them for support. AIM’s Legal Team will also represent all survivors in upcoming court proceedings

As a church we help one person each month to find freedom from trafficking and have the opportunity to find healing in Jesus.

If you would like to learn more about AIM’s mission or offer support, please visit their website at or contact our Outreach Development Director, Michelle Gerringer, at


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