Baptism: Ojahnique Hill

Ojahique always struggled with confusion about faith and unbelief. As she grew older, she started to feel like she needed more direction in her life. She was struggling with validation, anxiety, and depression. She thought she could do it all alone until she almost lost her father. She realized she couldn’t rely on herself anymore.

One day, sitting on her couch in the middle of the night, she felt the presence of God with her. She called out to him to help her with everything she’d been struggling with. Within that moment, she felt Him take the weight of everything she’d been dealing with. She felt healed.

Since then Ojahnique has felt happier and more confident; she feels whole. She no longer struggles with the things she used to. Jesus has given her a new identity, and she looks forward to continuing to walk with him.


Beyond Stories: Malawi - The Philimon Family


Baptism: Dylan Walshvelo