A Little Theology of Exercise
Perhaps you’re wondering what’s a pastor doing at a conference on fitness.
I’m here because I want to help people know and enjoy Jesus more. As a pastor, that often means I’m speaking and writing about Jesus himself, or teaching portions of the Bible, or commending various spiritual disciplines (which I like to call “habits of grace”). And God made us embodied creatures. The physical body has an important role to play in our spiritual and holistic health and joy. Personally, I’ve found that exercise serves my soul, and I’m eager to commend that to you, and others — to serve your growth “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). To be clear, my appreciation for exercise and “bodily training” is not as an end in itself.
One of the reasons I take “bodily training” with such seriousness, rather than ignoring it, is precisely because of how it serves the joy and strength and stability of my soul.
(continue reading/listening HERE)