A Solid Worldview Won't Save My Kids

Stephen Altrogge

If you hang out in Christian circles for more than ten minutes, you’ll inevitably hear someone talk about ‘worldview’. Christian parents, particularly those in the homeschool / private school / unschool / charter school vein, are intensely passionate about giving their children a biblical worldview which helps their children understand themselves, the world, and all of history in light of Scripture. Abraham Kuyper, the patron saint of Christian worldview, famously said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!”

This quote, which is recited approximately 12,000 times per year by conservative Christians, is the anthem and impulse for the worldview camp.

And I’m in no way opposed to having a biblical worldview. I think it’s crucial. Heck, I even went to “Worldview Academy”, which is kind of like a summer camp, except instead of swimming in lakes and going on hikes, we sat in a classroom and dissected the various flaws of evolutionary theory. Going to Worldview Academy officially qualifies me as the most homeschooled homeschooler.

But the older I get, the more I realize that it’s not enough to give my children a biblical worldview. I’ve seen too many of my childhood friends grow up to reject the biblical worldview that was so furiously drummed into them as children. I’ve seen too many people make choices that they know are in direct contradiction to the worldview they embraced for so many years. I’ve seen too many train wrecks to think that worldview alone is enough.

Worldview is important, but it’s only one part of the equation. A biblical worldview helps a person think correctly. But we are not purely intellectual beings. We don’t operate solely based on ideas and thoughts. We are flesh and blood, with passions, desires, and longings. We feel things deeply and desire things strongly. Our intellects and desires are intricately interwoven, interacting with and informing each other.

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