Do I Need to Understand the Trinity to Be Saved?

It’s a great question, and we get it a lot: Can I only be saved if I comprehend the Trinity? And if so, how much of the Trinity must make sense to me? The complexity of the Trinity of course leads to this question from many listeners, including one named Paul. “Hello, Pastor John! What happens to the people who trust the finished work of Jesus Christ, but do not have a clear grasp of the Trinity? Are they saved? What degree of clarity in this life must one reach about the Trinity to affirm one’s true understanding of, and trust in, the God of the Bible?” Pastor John, what would you say to him, and to the many others asking this same question?

I think this is just a golden opportunity to help lots of folks who believe it and are not sure what they believe. So, I want to take the opportunity to provide a brief introduction to the biblical teaching that God exists as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each of them a person, each of them God, but each of them comprising one divine essence — one God, not three gods.

(continue reading HERE)


God and Mathematics


Can you trust the Bible if it was written by humans?