Miraculous Healing: Does God Heal Today?

Josh Buice

A few weeks ago, my daughter had to be hospitalized for a severe case of dehydration after coming down with the common stomach bug.  It was a rare case of extreme dehydration that came on fairly quickly.  As I stayed home on Saturday evening with the other three children, my wife took our youngest daughter Kalli to the hospital.  We expected her to receive fluids and then be released.  However, her case of dehydration was so bad, her blood work revealed some problems that had to be addressed quickly – by specialists.  What I didn’t know was that she would spend three days in the hospital in recovery.

During this time at home, I had sent texts to my close friends, posted privately to our church family, and finally I posted an update and prayer request on Facebook to a broader audience.  Later that evening, I received an e-mail through Facebook.  Part of that e-mail reads:

I’m offended with you. Not long ago you publicly blasted a church for having a healing service. But now you are asking for prayer??? What is the prayer for? Obviously not healing because that would mean you do believe in miraculous healings.   

To be fair, this person went on to explain that the purpose of the e-mail was not to slam me or ridicule me.  The individual simply wanted an explanation.  I would say, it’s a fair request since I had openly criticized the healing services in our community over the last year.

To be clear, I believe in miracles.  God is big and sovereign and has the power to heal anyone, anytime, as He chooses.  I do think it should be stated that the false claims of fake healers from Christian charlatans should be called out for what they are – aberrant and offensive frauds.

God’s Sovereignty in Miraculous Healing

God has consistently provided verifiable evidence that He has power over disease.  He has put His power on display in the ministry and work of His Son – Jesus Christ.  Not only did God prove to have power over disease, but He likewise demonstrated His power over death by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

As the church is established by Jesus, He made a very specific promise to Peter and the disciples regarding His church.  In Matthew 16:18 , Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  As Jesus established the church, the gates of hell would literally come against it.  Although Jesus validated His ministry and His claim of deity through miracles, wonders, and signs, they still nailed Him to the cross to get rid of Him.  They wouldn’t accept His gospel, but they couldn’t explain His power, so they killed Him.

That clearly didn’t work, because Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day.  Out of all of Jesus’ miracles and signs, the resurrection on the third day was the authentication of Christianity that could never be explained away.  Jesus was raised from the dead and appeared to hundreds of people over a 40 day period.  As He prepared to ascend to the Father, He prepared His followers to receive the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem.

The skepticism and open rejection of the church by the religious establishment would have been overwhelming for a group of sketchy Jesus followers had it not been for the miracles, wonders, and signs that accompanied their ministry.  The early disciples experienced great power from God in order to validate the authenticity of the church.  From speaking in tongues (other languages) at Pentecost, to various other signs and wonders, the early church and the message of the gospel was being established by these signs.  After the lame man was healed and could walk, the entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar.  The Sanhedrin held council after arresting Peter and John for the miracle.  As they talked to one another privately and they could not escape the power of the miracle.

Acts 4:16  – What shall we do with these men? For that a notable sign has been performed through them is evident to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.

As the church continued to grow, the mounting pressures continued to push back against the followers of Christ.  God performed miracles through them to show the world that His church is genuine and the message of the gospel must be heard.  The purpose of the miracles was not to make the disciples into superheroes.  It was to validate the gospel and the church of Jesus Christ.

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