They Were No Fools: The Martyrdom of Jim Elliot and Four Other Missionaries
Justin Taylor (article/videos)
“They were killed with the sword. They [were men] of whom the world was not worthy.” Romans 11: 37-28

Should I pray about the Book of Mormon?
Lyndon Unger Conversations with LDS people often close in an exhortation to simply read the book of Mormon and pray that God would convict you, one way or the other, regarding the truth of the book of Mormon. How can you respond?

How to Defuse the Accusation of Intolerance
Amy Hall If you’re placed in a situation where you suspect your convictions will be labeled intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded, or judgmental, then turn the tables. When someone asks for your personal views about a moral issue, preface your remarks with a question...
Talking with Catholics about the Gospel
Tim Augustyn Just about every book ever written with the words “Catholic” and “evangelical” in the title have been primarily for pastors or academics. But Chris Castaldo’s Talking with Catholics: A Guide for Evangelicals is different....
9 Things You Should Know About Jehovah’s Witnesses
Here are nine things you should know about the obscure religious group that emerged from the Bible Student movement in the late 1870s...