Why We Take a Stand on Gender Roles
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Why We Take a Stand on Gender Roles

D.A. Carson, Tim Keller, John Piper Why did the founders of The Gospel Coalition include a complementarian stance on gender roles in its confessional statement and theological vision for ministry?


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A Complementarian Manifesto Against Domestic Abuse
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A Complementarian Manifesto Against Domestic Abuse

Jason Meyer Egalitarians and complementarians both agree that the Bible views women and men as spiritual equals in God’s sight. There are no gender differences whatsoever in terms of dignity or value. The two views are unified in terms of equality with respect to gender essence and ontological worth.

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Why I'm Complementarian
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Why I'm Complementarian

Gavin Ortlund By complementarianism, I mean the view that men and women are equal as God’s fellow image bearers, but nonetheless have some differences of role in the church and in the home. The way I like to put it is equal, but not interchangeable. In other words,...

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