Sacrifice and Atonement
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Sacrifice and Atonement

The Bible Project Check out this animated video explaining the purpose of Old Testament sacrifices. The Bible Project site is a great idea for personal growth and family devotions.

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Did Judas Receive the Bread and the Cup?
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Did Judas Receive the Bread and the Cup?

Mitch Chase When Matthew narrates the scene of the last supper, Jesus was dining with his twelve disciples (Matt. 26:20). So Judas was present–at first. But the Fourth Gospel sheds some light on this table.

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A Quiz on Christ
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A Quiz on Christ

Tim Challies Jesus is the one figure who divides history and who towers over history. How well do you know what the Bible teaches about Jesus? This thirty-question quiz will help you find out...

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Theological Primer: Eternal Sonship

Kevin DeYoung There never was when he was not. That was the bone of contention with Arianism, the fourth century heresy which rejected the full deity of the Son of God. The issue was not whether the Son was divine in some sense, but whether he shared the same essence (homoousia) as the Father...

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The Son of God Is the Son of David

John Collins “You keep using that word,” Inigo Montoya says in the film The Princess Bride. “I do not think it means what you think it means.” As Christians, we can often do the same with theological terms...

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The Shocking Words of Christ

Jimmy Agan It is often said—and rightly so—that Jesus is the hero of every text of Scripture. Yet when we first encounter him in Matthew 15:26, Jesus looks anything but heroic. Instead, it appears that he is failing to be missional, and being entirely rude in the process...

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In what way was Jesus ‘made sin’ on the cross?

Nathan Busenitz Christ took upon Himself our sins, not by constraint, but of His own good will, in order to bear the punishment and wrath of God: not for the sake of His own person (which was just and invincible, and was not in any way guilty), but for our person...

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Why the Prosperity Gospel is the Worst Pyramid Scheme Ever

Nicholas McDonald When I was in college, I read a book by a prominent megachurch pastor. The author told me to live like a child of God. He told me God wanted to bless me. He also mentioned that if I only believed, God would give me the nicest house in the neighborhood. That seemed to make sense...

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