A Crash Course on the Muslim Worldview and Islamic Theology
Justin Taylor As one online bio notes, “Francisco has a unique ability to see and understand both the difficulties facing Christians who wish to evangelize their Muslim friends and the Muslims who are being asked to come to Christ. Many of his unique insights come from personal experiences sharing his faith with Muslims.”

Loving Muslims Begins with Honesty
David Mathis Do Christians and Muslims worship the same deity? It has become one of the most pressing and controversial questions in the world in the last fifteen years...
The Quran's deadly role in inspiring Belgian slaughter: Column
Nabeel Qureshi Americans awoke this morning to another terrorist attack — this time in the Brussels airport and subway. These attacks hit close to home...
Muslims, Christians and the Zombie Apocalypse
Howard and Trevor We want to offer a new narrative about the intersection of Muslims and Christians without making everyone feel like we are on the verge of a Zombie Apocalypse...