7 Things You Didn't Know About the Apostle Paul
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7 Things You Didn't Know About the Apostle Paul

Biblica Staff (article)

We hope this article makes for some fascinating reading for you and a provided new perspective on the man who “saw the light” (Acts 9:3) and went on to play a huge role in giving us the Word of God that is a lamp and light in lives today.

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Who was Polycarp?
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Who was Polycarp?

Christianity Today

(Article) The story of Polycarp is the first recorded martyrdom in post-New Testament church history. Read more about it here.

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Did Judas Receive the Bread and the Cup?
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Did Judas Receive the Bread and the Cup?

Mitch Chase When Matthew narrates the scene of the last supper, Jesus was dining with his twelve disciples (Matt. 26:20). So Judas was present–at first. But the Fourth Gospel sheds some light on this table.

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How to Read the Bible
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How to Read the Bible

Michael Horton How should one approach, interpret, read, and understand the Bible? Here are some practical tips for Bible study and reading.

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Intro to Romans 5-16
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Intro to Romans 5-16

The Bible Project An illustrated look into the themes and theology in the book of Romans.

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Intro to Romans 1-4
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Intro to Romans 1-4

The Bible Project An illustrated look into the themes and theology in the book of Romans.

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Four Gospels?
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Four Gospels?

Nicholas Batzig As a young Christian, I remember wondering why it was that God chose to give us four Gospels rather than one. This is no illegitimately curious or superfluous question. It is one that we do well to consider. I have actually come to believe that there are many reasons why our God has given us four–rather than one–Gospel records. Here are three:

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Why the Gospel of Jesus's Wife Fragment is a Forgery

Justin Taylor Brad Green, writing at Tyndale House in Cambridge: Much of the New Testament scholarly world is abuzz concerning a purportedly ancient Coptic fragment, which has been called The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife.  Is it truly ancient? A forgery? 

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The Shocking Words of Christ

Jimmy Agan It is often said—and rightly so—that Jesus is the hero of every text of Scripture. Yet when we first encounter him in Matthew 15:26, Jesus looks anything but heroic. Instead, it appears that he is failing to be missional, and being entirely rude in the process...

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Was the New Testament Written Early?

Frank Turek Atheists and skeptics usually try to discredit the New Testament by indicating that it was written hundreds after the events. Is there evidence for this claim?...

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