Romans 7 Does Not Describe Your Christian Experience
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Romans 7 Does Not Describe Your Christian Experience

Thomas Schreiner Romans 7:13–25 is one of the most disputed and controversial passages in the Bible. Augustine changed his mind about its meaning, so we have precedent for swinging back and forth in our own interpretation.

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If I Deny Christ, Can I Still Go to Heaven?
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If I Deny Christ, Can I Still Go to Heaven?

Jesse Johnson Last week I was doing a Q/A session with AWANA students, and one of them asked this question: In light of the shooting in Oregon, where the gunman asked students if they were Christian, and if they said ‘yes’ the gunman shot the student in the head, what would happen if a Christian lied? What if it would have been me, and I would have said ‘no’? Would I still go to heaven when I die?

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The Believer’s Unfathomable Riches in Christ
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The Believer’s Unfathomable Riches in Christ

J. Hampton Keathley When anyone accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior they are instantaneously enriched with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph. 1:3) and declared to be complete in Christ (Col. 2:10). In fact, the Apostle Paul refers to these blessings as “the unfathomable riches of Christ” in Ephesians 3:8...

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3 Objections to the Doctrine of Election

Tim Keller The doctrine of election—that those who freely come to God are those whom God has freely chosen—is easy to understand, and clearly taught in God's Word, but it is not easy to accept. It has given thoughtful believers problems for centuries, and continues to do so today...

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