Thirty-Three on the Three-in-One
Tim Challies How well do you know the doctrine of the Trinity? Here are 33 statements related to the Trinity. Simply answer true or false to each one. You will receive your score at the end...
The Gospel for Roman Catholics
A.D. Robles Recently there has been a surge in prominent Evangelicals calling for unity with Roman Catholicism. In one sense there seems to be strong foundational similarities that would justify these calls to unity.
Theological Primer: Holy Spirit
Kevin Young Many Christians rarely think about the Holy Spirit. God the Father we know about. God the Son we think about all the time. But God the Holy Spirit?...
Is "Let Us" in Genesis 1:26 Reference to the Trinity?
Justin Taylor Here is an interesting answer to the question of whether the “Let us” of Genesis 1:26 is referring to the Trinity...
Theological Primer: The Holy Spirit
God the Holy Spirit? There are fewer songs to him, fewer meditations about him, and fewer churches named after him. But this may not be altogether a bad thing...