What is a Cult?
James M. Rochford (article)
Devoted Christians should desire to hand their lives over to Christ, but never to a human authority, who will make their decisions for them.
Where Did the Pope Come From?
Leonardo De Chirico (article)
Roman Catholics trace the pope’s origin to the apostle Peter. But history tells a different story.
Luther Company: Remembering the Rest of the Reformers
Ryan Griffith
(Article) This month marks 500 years since the Reformation...read more of some of the heroes.
Why I Am Not Catholic
A historical examination of changes in Catholic doctrine and teaching.
Ugly Stain, Beautiful Hope: My Response to Mika Edmondson
Al Mohler As Dr. Edmonson made clear, this means any Christian must be urgently concerned with anything that leads to the devaluing of the life of any human. That brings us to Black Lives Matter. “We have,” Dr. Edmondson declared, “a natural tendency to actively resist dealing with racial sin.”
Is Black Lives Matter the New Civil Rights Movement?
Mika Edmondson I want you to know it’s right and good for us to be talking about ethnocentrism and racism in the church. And, despite our historic failures and present struggles, Jesus will make his house a house of prayer for all nations.
The Spread of the Gospel
This animated map is a powerful visual depiction of the most important movement in history: the spread of Christianity. Every frame is one year in the last 2000 years of the Great Commission.
A Complementarian Manifesto Against Domestic Abuse
Jason Meyer Egalitarians and complementarians both agree that the Bible views women and men as spiritual equals in God’s sight. There are no gender differences whatsoever in terms of dignity or value. The two views are unified in terms of equality with respect to gender essence and ontological worth.
Should Christians Cremate Their Loved Ones?
John Piper My proposal in this article is that Christian churches be willing to help families financially with simple Christ-exalting funerals and burials, so that no Christian is drawn to cremation because it’s cheaper...