What is a Cult?
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What is a Cult?

James M. Rochford (article)

Devoted Christians should desire to hand their lives over to Christ, but never to a human authority, who will make their decisions for them.

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Erhman Project
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Erhman Project

Dr. Bart Ehrman (videos)

Dr. Bart Ehrman is raising significant questions about the reliability of the Bible.

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The Eternity Before Christmas
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The Eternity Before Christmas

David Mathis The glory of Christmas is that it is not the beginning of Christ. Long before that first Christmas, his story had begun — not just in various prophecies, but in a divine person. Christmas may be the opening of the climactic chapter, but it is not the commencement of Christ.

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Christianity and Atheism: Choose Your Strangeness
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Christianity and Atheism: Choose Your Strangeness

Jon Bloom Christmas gives some materialist atheists occasion to ridicule the silly gullibility of Christians to believe such things. It’s true: The Christmas story is humanly strange. But to be fair, atheists also embrace wildly far-fetched, strange beliefs of their own...

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Must Christians Believe in the Virgin Birth?
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Must Christians Believe in the Virgin Birth?

Albert Mohler Does belief in the virgin birth make Christians “less intellectual?” Are we saddled with an untenable doctrine? Can a true Christian deny the virgin birth, or is the doctrine an essential component of the Gospel revealed to us in Scripture?

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Take a Test on the Trinity
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Take a Test on the Trinity

Tim Challies How well do you know this central doctrine? Together with Rebecca Stark, I have put together a little quiz that will allow you to test yourself. Here are 33 statements related to the Trinity. Simply answer true or false to each one and see your score at the end...

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Reformation Reminders: Rome & Her Desecration of Christ
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Reformation Reminders: Rome & Her Desecration of Christ

Eric Davis Saturday, October 31, commemorates nearly 500 years since one of the greatest movements of God in church history; the Protestant Reformation. Up to the time of the Reformation, much of Europe had been dominated by the reign of Roman Catholicism...

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