Women as Ministers?
John Piper (article)
In no way does any biblical view of manhood and womanhood imply that men are out and about being active for Jesus and women are not.
God Created Man Male and Female: What Does It Mean to Be Complementarian?
John Piper (article/video)
God intends for the entire church to be mobilized in ministry, male and female. Nobody is to simply stay at home watching soaps and ballgames while the world burns.
Biblical Womanhood in Five Minutes
John Piper (article)
Every woman you pass on the street or every woman you relate to in any way is a potential queen of heaven because she is created in the Imago Dei. She is in the image of God in the same way that the man is in the image of God, having a human nature which mirrors the very nature of God.

What Christianity Alone Offers Transgender Persons
Sam Allberry The gospel is always good news—for everyone. It strikes me that there are two particular insights the gospel can offer that might form the starting point of our response.

What’s the Compassionate Approach to the Transgender Bathroom Debate?
Kimberly Wagner We need to deal with the fact that the bathroom door is swinging wide open to invite all to enter. Males and females are no longer expected to use the restroom corresponding with their biological sex but with the gender they identify with.