Whats the Difference between Christian Denominations?
Dr. Gregory Wills (video)
“Although we have these different denominations, they recognize that they are one, that they are brothers and sisters through faith in Christ Jesus and share a blessed and joyful unity in the gospel.”

What Does It Mean to Be Filled with the Spirit?
John MacArthur
(article) The filling or controlling of the Holy Spirit is a profound reality in the believer's life, and understanding it can change your life.

Ecstasy and Exodus
Ireland Letterkenny Christendom’s fastest-growing segment is made up of people who seek an ecstatic experience described as “baptism in the Holy Spirit” and insist that biblical feats, from healing to exorcism to speaking in tongues, should be part of present-day worship. Here's an overview of their growth:

TMS Distinctives: A High View of the Holy Spirit
The Master's Seminary Over the past few weeks, the seminary has been posting faculty videos related to its core doctrinal commitments. The six videos in this series center on Pneumatology, and the commitment at TMS to a high view of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.