One Essential Oil: Anointing in the Church Today
David Mathis (article)
Anointing is not automatic in producing healing, but serves as a prayerful expression, and intensifier of our plea, asking God, and waiting for him, to heal.

Ecstasy and Exodus
Ireland Letterkenny Christendom’s fastest-growing segment is made up of people who seek an ecstatic experience described as “baptism in the Holy Spirit” and insist that biblical feats, from healing to exorcism to speaking in tongues, should be part of present-day worship. Here's an overview of their growth:

Does Sin Cause Sickness?
Sam Allberry Connecting Sickness and Sin: It’s vital to understand the context in which this discussion of sickness and healing takes place. And, as with any “difficult” text, it helps to rule out what James 5 can’t mean.

TMS Distinctives: A High View of the Holy Spirit
The Master's Seminary Over the past few weeks, the seminary has been posting faculty videos related to its core doctrinal commitments. The six videos in this series center on Pneumatology, and the commitment at TMS to a high view of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.