What is Universalism?
GotQuestions.org (article)
Jesus Christ is the exclusive door that leads to an eternity in heaven.

Louie Giglio Our God is Indescribable
Louie Giglio (video)
Louie Giglio helps us attempt to comprehend how big our own galaxy is... not to mention HOW BIG our God is!

My Best Life Now?
John Piper
(Article/Podcast) Is God our greatest joy here on earth, or is it a future joy that is yet to be fulfilled?

How Can a Loving God Send Good People to Hell?
The Village Church
(Video) No one earns their way into heaven. God is more gracious than we could ever hope, and His justice is good.

Am I Really Ready for Heaven?
John Piper
It's a very simple, but profoundly important question all of us must answer in our lives.

Is a Belief in Hell Incompatible with the Truth That God Is Love?
Randy Alcorn I personally have studied the doctrine of Hell in the hopes of being able to come either to a position of universalism, or at very least the doctrine of annihilation. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do so and stay true to the Scripture I see.

Let Us Not Camouflage God’s Wrath
Paul Tautges Those who diminish the righteousness and wrath of God often claim to do so out of love for others. But the opposite is reality. Camouflaging God in an attempt to spare the feelings of those not yet rescued by His saving grace is not an act of love at all.

What Happens to Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?
Matt Smethurst The man on the island. Perhaps you’ve encountered him in a friend’s argument against Christianity. Maybe you’ve even voiced the objection yourself. How could a good and loving God condemn to hell someone who’s never heard of him?

Not on Earth as It Is in Heaven: Worship in the Church Age
Matthew Westerholm Worship voices often celebrate the theme that we worship on earth like they worship in heaven. This emphasis has roots in Scripture and many clear benefits. But the great complication with worshiping now as if we were already fully in heaven is this: we are not actually there yet.

Five Truths About Eternal Security
John Piper In this lab, John Piper deals with the security of every believer, and draws in lots of texts to explain how God keeps his children from falling away. He summarizes this important doctrine with five critical truths...
If Babies Go to Heaven, Why Oppose Abortion?
John Piper In recent online debates, critics of pro-life say, “If aborted babies go to heaven, then why is abortion really a big deal in the end for Christians?”And my answer is, it is a big deal for six reasons at least...
Questions to Ask Yourself About Eternal Security
For the Church Because eternal life is integral to the gospel's promise, eternal security is an integral blessing of the gospel, and to deny it is to embrace a truncated gospel...
Will Heaven Have Oceans?
Dennis Johnson A friend discovered the joys of body surfing in midlife, when she and her husband moved to Southern California, within 40 miles of the beaches and breakers of the Pacific Ocean. So she was understandably troubled by Revelation 21:1 and the prospect that ocean’s azure waters and surging waves will be absent from the coming new heavens and new earth...