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BibleProject (video)

Yahweh, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah... God seems to have a lot of names, what exactly am I supposed to call Him?

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 Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory
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Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory

Timothy Keller (article)

There is nothing in the world like biblical justice! Christians must not sell their birthright for a mess of pottage. But they must take up their birthright and do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God (Micah 6:8)

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Introduction to Ephesians
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Introduction to Ephesians (article)

Ephesians offers general instruction in the truths of God’s redemptive work in Christ; the unity of the church among diverse peoples; and proper conduct in the church, the home, and the world.

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Old Testament Studies
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Old Testament Studies

Dr. Chris Miller (videos)

In these videos, Dr. Miller combines careful biblical study, powerful storytelling, and helpful visual resources to make the content memorable and life-changing.

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Bibliography and Biography
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Bibliography and Biography

Jason K. Allen (article)

The Bible is truly unlike any other book. It is God’s written self-disclosure to humanity. As such, we must read it, study it, teach it, and live it.

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Differences between Quran and Bible
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Differences between Quran and Bible

Eric Davis (article)

The 66 books of the Bible were inspired by the Spirit of God through about 40 different authors from differing times and cultures over a time span of about 1500 years. The Qur’an came through one man, Muhammad, over about 20 years.

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Is the Bible Pro-Slavery?
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Is the Bible Pro-Slavery?

Gavin Ortlund (article)

When I consider Jesus, and His sacrifice on the cross, I know that I have reason to trust that the heart of God is good.

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Where Did the Pope Come From?
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Where Did the Pope Come From?

Leonardo De Chirico (article)

Roman Catholics trace the pope’s origin to the apostle Peter. But history tells a different story.

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How Did We Get the Old Testament?
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How Did We Get the Old Testament?

Zondervan Academic (article)

While we don’t know exactly how the original Hebrew books were selected, we have every reason to believe that the decisions were guided by the same Holy Spirit who inspired the dozens of Old Testament authors. 

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Does Archaeology Support the Bible?
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Does Archaeology Support the Bible?

Clifford Wilson (article)

Archaeology has done much to demonstrate that “the Bible was right after all.” Its early records of creation, Eden, the Flood, long-living men, and the dispersal of the nations are not mere legends after all.

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North Korea's Secret Christians
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North Korea's Secret Christians

Rachel Cohrs (article)

South Koreans are proselytizing in the adamantly atheist country using thousands of illicit radios smuggled over the border.

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