How Can I Know Which Bible Promises Apply to Me?
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How Can I Know Which Bible Promises Apply to Me?

Amy Hall We’ve been receiving questions about how to determine which promises do apply to us. The most basic place to start is to look at what is said to New Covenant believers versus those who were under the specific terms of the Mosaic Covenant with its promised blessings and curses.

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Romans 7 Does Not Describe Your Christian Experience
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Romans 7 Does Not Describe Your Christian Experience

Thomas Schreiner Romans 7:13–25 is one of the most disputed and controversial passages in the Bible. Augustine changed his mind about its meaning, so we have precedent for swinging back and forth in our own interpretation.

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How to Read the Bible
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How to Read the Bible

Michael Horton How should one approach, interpret, read, and understand the Bible? Here are some practical tips for Bible study and reading.

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The Shocking Words of Christ

Jimmy Agan It is often said—and rightly so—that Jesus is the hero of every text of Scripture. Yet when we first encounter him in Matthew 15:26, Jesus looks anything but heroic. Instead, it appears that he is failing to be missional, and being entirely rude in the process...

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Rethinking Jephthath's Foolish Vow

Miles Van Pelt Most Christians struggle to understand the narratives recorded in the book of Judges. Consider the opening account where Adonai Bezek is captured by the tribe of Judah, humiliated by having his thumbs and big toes cut off, and then dies in Jerusalem...

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Eat this Book: Bible in Five

BlackHawk Church This video accompanies Week 1 of the Eat this Book challenge to read through the Bible in one year. This video discusses some of the major themes to look for while reading Genesis 1-12...

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