King over Chaos
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King over Chaos

Gerrit Scott Dawson (article)

This truth can help us in the crazy of these days to know it’s not crazy to feel that things are not right. They’re not! And they won’t be until Christ returns and home arrives here to set all things back in order.

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Old Testament Studies
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Old Testament Studies

Dr. Chris Miller (videos)

In these videos, Dr. Miller combines careful biblical study, powerful storytelling, and helpful visual resources to make the content memorable and life-changing.

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What is the Law?
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What is the Law?

The Bible Project (video)

In this video, we explore the importance of the ancient laws in the Old Testament. Why are they in the Bible, and what do they say to followers of Jesus?

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Our Delight is in Our Adoption
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Our Delight is in Our Adoption

Matt Chandler (video)

Have you ever wondered how God feels about you? In this video, Matt Chandler unpacks the amazing truth that God delights in you.

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Jonah Overview
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Jonah Overview

The Bible Project (video)

The book of Jonah is a subversive story about a rebellious prophet who despises his God for loving his enemies.

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Do You Have a Conscience?
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Do You Have a Conscience?

Mitch Chase (article)

Every believer and, by implication, every church would benefit from learning about our conscience and how it can be calibrated by the Word of God and for the glory of God. As the Spirit works in us, we can, by God’s grace, love those with whom we differ on disputable matters.

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How does Jesus love?
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How does Jesus love?

Andy Stanley

The truth is, we are sinners, but Jesus offers grace and withholds condemnation.

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Let Us Not Camouflage God’s Wrath
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Let Us Not Camouflage God’s Wrath

Paul Tautges Those who diminish the righteousness and wrath of God often claim to do so out of love for others. But the opposite is reality. Camouflaging God in an attempt to spare the feelings of those not yet rescued by His saving grace is not an act of love at all. 


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