Erhman Project
Dr. Bart Ehrman (videos)
Dr. Bart Ehrman is raising significant questions about the reliability of the Bible.
The Basics of New Testament Textual Criticism
Dr. Daniel B. Wallace (podcast)
Dr. Wallace defines New Testament Textual Criticism and discusses topics like identifying textual variants, categorizing manuscripts, and interpreting the available evidence.
Facts for Skeptics of the New Testament
Gregory Koukl (article)
If we reject the authenticity of the New Testament on textual grounds, we’d also have to reject every work of antiquity prior to AD 1000, since there is less manuscript evidence for their authenticity than for the New Testament.

The Evidence for Jesus
William Lane Craig
(article) If we want any details about Jesus’s life and teachings, we must turn to the New Testament. The question then must be: how historically reliable are the New Testament documents?