One Essential Oil: Anointing in the Church Today
David Mathis (article)
Anointing is not automatic in producing healing, but serves as a prayerful expression, and intensifier of our plea, asking God, and waiting for him, to heal.

11 Reasons to Affirm the Deity of Christ
Nathan Busenitz (article)
Jesus claimed absolute unity with the Father, such that He could tell His disciples, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father”.
The Morning I Heard the Voice of God
John Piper (article/audio)
Piper: “I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God still speaks today.”

What Do You Pray for ISIS?
Nip Ripken
(Article) What we ask God for tells us a lot about what we really want, and in what we hope.

Does Sin Cause Sickness?
Sam Allberry Connecting Sickness and Sin: It’s vital to understand the context in which this discussion of sickness and healing takes place. And, as with any “difficult” text, it helps to rule out what James 5 can’t mean.