Can you trust the Bible if it was written by humans?
J. Warner Wallace (video)
The Bible is more than just about a book written by men because it’s written from the mind of God who alone knows the future.

Is the Virgin Birth Essential?
Kevin DeYoung (article)
By the Holy Spirit, Mary’s womb became the cradle of the Son’s incarnation.

What Are Christian Apologetics, and How Do They Relate to the Gospel Anyways?
Jerry Root, PH. D (article)
Paul used apologetics to validate his message that Christ’s sacrifice is the means whereby God forgives sin, reconciles lost humanity to himself, and provides the hope of eternal life.
Does Archaeology Support the Bible?
Clifford Wilson (article)
Archaeology has done much to demonstrate that “the Bible was right after all.” Its early records of creation, Eden, the Flood, long-living men, and the dispersal of the nations are not mere legends after all.

A Note on τηρήσω ἐκ in Revelation 3:10
Daniel B. Wallace
(article) "Probably the most debated verse in the whole discussion about the time of the Church’s rapture is Revelation 3:10"

The Doctrine of the Tribulation
J. Hampton Keathley
(article) What is the tribulation and how does it relate to the end of the world?

Infographic: 3 Views of the End Times
Visual Theology
A visual guide to to the end of the world as we know it.

How Christ Fulfilled and Ended the Old Testament Regime
John Piper
The glory of Jesus Christ shines more clearly when we see him in his proper relation to the Old Testament.

TMS Distinctives: A High View of the Holy Spirit
The Master's Seminary Over the past few weeks, the seminary has been posting faculty videos related to its core doctrinal commitments. The six videos in this series center on Pneumatology, and the commitment at TMS to a high view of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.
The Son of God Is the Son of David
John Collins “You keep using that word,” Inigo Montoya says in the film The Princess Bride. “I do not think it means what you think it means.” As Christians, we can often do the same with theological terms...
Why Is the Number of the Beast 666?
G.K. Beale Revelation 13:18 says, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is 666.” This is one of the most debated verses in the entire Book of Revelation because of widespread disagreement over the identification and meaning of the number 666...
Will Heaven Have Oceans?
Dennis Johnson A friend discovered the joys of body surfing in midlife, when she and her husband moved to Southern California, within 40 miles of the beaches and breakers of the Pacific Ocean. So she was understandably troubled by Revelation 21:1 and the prospect that ocean’s azure waters and surging waves will be absent from the coming new heavens and new earth...