Is the Bible Pro-Slavery?
Gavin Ortlund (article)
When I consider Jesus, and His sacrifice on the cross, I know that I have reason to trust that the heart of God is good.
Pass the Mic Podcast- Dynamic voices for a diverse church
Jemar Tisby & Tyler Burns (podcast)
Tune in every week for engaging discussions and high profile interviews addressing the core concerns of African Americans biblically.
Quick to Listen Podcast- Why Your Denomination Is Segregated
CT Editors (podcast)
Whites and blacks worshiped together in colonial America. What happened?

Ugly Stain, Beautiful Hope: My Response to Mika Edmondson
Al Mohler As Dr. Edmonson made clear, this means any Christian must be urgently concerned with anything that leads to the devaluing of the life of any human. That brings us to Black Lives Matter. “We have,” Dr. Edmondson declared, “a natural tendency to actively resist dealing with racial sin.”

Is Black Lives Matter the New Civil Rights Movement?
Mika Edmondson I want you to know it’s right and good for us to be talking about ethnocentrism and racism in the church. And, despite our historic failures and present struggles, Jesus will make his house a house of prayer for all nations.