“Science Has Disproved God”
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“Science Has Disproved God”

Vince Vitale I would actually go further. Not only do I think science is in no way incompatible with belief in God, but I actually think that science points strongly to the existence of God, and there are four reasons why I believe this:

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The Santa Delusion
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The Santa Delusion

Andy Bannister A charge that some people make is that religion in general and Christianity in particular are irrational. Richard Dawkins, in his best selling book The God Delusion, makes this very claim, saying that faith in God is just like belief in Santa Claus! Is this true?

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One Less God
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One Less God

Jill Carattini Atheists, we are told, merely acknowledge one less God than theists. If believers understood why they reject Zeus, the argument goes, they would understand why atheists reject their God.

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How to Defuse the Accusation of Intolerance
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How to Defuse the Accusation of Intolerance

Amy Hall If you’re placed in a situation where you suspect your convictions will be labeled intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded, or judgmental, then turn the tables. When someone asks for your personal views about a moral issue, preface your remarks with a question...

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