The Doctrine of the Tribulation
J. Hampton Keathley
(article) What is the tribulation and how does it relate to the end of the world?

Who Made Satan?
Matt Smethurst
(Article) Scripture says a lot about his character and actions—who he is and what he does—but what about his origins? Where did he come from?

What is the Synagogue of Satan in Revelation?
Got Questions
(Article) In Revelation 2, we read this phrase in the letter to the church at Smyrna...what does it mean?

Infographic: 3 Views of the End Times
Visual Theology
A visual guide to to the end of the world as we know it.

The Challenge of History
William Lane Craig
The most distinctive claim about Christianity in relation to other world religions is that Christianity says that God has revealed himself in history.

Old Testament Theophanies: The Angel of the Lord
Bible.org What is a theophany and why do many scholars believe they are appearances of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament?

10 Things You Should Know About General Revelation
Sam Storms Because of our focus on the inspiration and inerrancy of God’s written revelation, the Bible (i.e., Special Revelation), we often tend to ignore the other ways in which God has made himself known more generally to all mankind. Theologians call this General Revelation. What is it and why is it important that we understand what is meant by it?
Will Heaven Have Oceans?
Dennis Johnson A friend discovered the joys of body surfing in midlife, when she and her husband moved to Southern California, within 40 miles of the beaches and breakers of the Pacific Ocean. So she was understandably troubled by Revelation 21:1 and the prospect that ocean’s azure waters and surging waves will be absent from the coming new heavens and new earth...