Do You Have a Conscience?
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Do You Have a Conscience?

Mitch Chase (article)

Every believer and, by implication, every church would benefit from learning about our conscience and how it can be calibrated by the Word of God and for the glory of God. As the Spirit works in us, we can, by God’s grace, love those with whom we differ on disputable matters.

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Romans 7 Does Not Describe Your Christian Experience
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Romans 7 Does Not Describe Your Christian Experience

Thomas Schreiner Romans 7:13–25 is one of the most disputed and controversial passages in the Bible. Augustine changed his mind about its meaning, so we have precedent for swinging back and forth in our own interpretation.

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TMS Distinctives: A High View of the Holy Spirit
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TMS Distinctives: A High View of the Holy Spirit

The Master's Seminary Over the past few weeks, the seminary has been posting faculty videos related to its core doctrinal commitments. The six videos in this series center on Pneumatology, and the commitment at TMS to a high view of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.


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