The Book of Colossians
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The Book of Colossians

Louie Giglio (video)

In this 8-session series, Louie Giglio will take us through the book of Colossians to help us form a complete picture of Jesus.

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Who Made Satan?
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Who Made Satan?

Matt Smethurst

(Article) Scripture says a lot about his character and actions—who he is and what he does—but what about his origins? Where did he come from? 


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What God Does With Your Sin?
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What God Does With Your Sin?

Tim Challies Are you distressed by what you’ve done? Do you hear whispers that you have sinned beyond God’s desire or ability to forgive? Let these illustrations comfort you. Listen to—no, see!—all that God does with your sin.


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Does Sin Cause Sickness?
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Does Sin Cause Sickness?

Sam Allberry Connecting Sickness and Sin: It’s vital to understand the context in which this discussion of sickness and healing takes place. And, as with any “difficult” text, it helps to rule out what James 5 can’t mean.


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If I Deny Christ, Can I Still Go to Heaven?
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If I Deny Christ, Can I Still Go to Heaven?

Jesse Johnson Last week I was doing a Q/A session with AWANA students, and one of them asked this question: In light of the shooting in Oregon, where the gunman asked students if they were Christian, and if they said ‘yes’ the gunman shot the student in the head, what would happen if a Christian lied? What if it would have been me, and I would have said ‘no’? Would I still go to heaven when I die?

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