May Women Serve as Pastors?
Thomas R. Schreiner (article)
The scriptures clearly teach about the unique roles of women in the church and in the home. They are equal with men in dignity and value, but they have a different role during this earthly sojourn.
Tim Keller on the Image of God
Tim Keller (article)
What happens in a society that got its idea of human rights from a belief in the image of God, that all people are created in the image of God?
Women as Ministers?
John Piper (article)
In no way does any biblical view of manhood and womanhood imply that men are out and about being active for Jesus and women are not.
Biblical Womanhood in Five Minutes
John Piper (article)
Every woman you pass on the street or every woman you relate to in any way is a potential queen of heaven because she is created in the Imago Dei. She is in the image of God in the same way that the man is in the image of God, having a human nature which mirrors the very nature of God.
Christianity: The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Women
Sue Bohlin (article)
Sue Bohlin writes that it's not true, as some feminists charge, that Christianity is anti-female and horribly oppressive to women. In fact, nothing has elevated the status and value of women as biblical Christianity.

The Whole Bible Is for Women
Abigail Dodds How do passages in the Bible that speak directly to women fit within the whole biblical narrative?