The Church, A Battering Ram

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18 ESV)

Haven’t you seen this verse a hundred times before? I know I have. It’s a verse we see in memory verse apps and hear from pulpits often. It has served as a sort of anthem for the Church throughout history. In the 21st-century Church, we quote it to rally together in the midst of becoming more marginalized by the surrounding culture. I have memorized this verse, and I find myself often returning to it when it seems the Enemy is near.

But it wasn’t until recently that the scales fell from my eyes regarding the true interpretation of the verse. You see, for years I have simply quoted it as it read, not thinking much of it besides the fact that Jesus is saying: “The Church is going to win.” 

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Upon this Rock I Will Build My Church


North Korea's Secret Christians