2019 Fall Re:Group Leader Training - Promoting Participation "In"

Miss the Group Leader Training in September or would you like a refresher? Watch or listen to Drew’s talk as he shares updates on what’s happening at Northridge and in our Groups ministry, and watch or listen to Jason’s talk on our third Group Leader Essential: Promoting Participation.

At the Re:Group Leader Training for our Community Group Leaders on September 8, 2019, Drew Karschner shared updates and info about what God has been up to at Northridge in 2019 and some of the new things we are rolling out this fall. Drew also addressed a tension that we may have experienced in leading our groups.
At the Re:Group Leader Training for our Community Group Leaders on September 8th, 2019, Jason DeGraaff talks about Group Leader Essential #3: Promoting Participation. In this talk we address the challenge of moving group members from simply showing up to full participants in Biblical community.

Miss the Breakouts?

You can find the audio, notes, and presentation slides below.

It’s hard enough to keep up consistently with the people in your group, let alone provide care for them. What level of care can you and your group realistically be expected to provide? And what do you do when the care issues go way past what you feel capable of handling? In this breakout we will address this tension and share with you a clear plan for how you and your group can provide care without burning yourself out.

Are you making the most of your prayer time in group? Need a few ideas to increase participation and transparency? In this breakout we will answer these questions and more to help you maximize your group prayer time.

Facilitation is probably the hardest Community Group role to give away - Isn't facilitating discussion what a Community Group Leader does? In this breakout we'll talk about some of the best reasons to allow others to facilitate, and we'll discover the best practices in that tricky process.

Leading alone is hard but finding coleaders can be even harder. How do you find leaders when no one in your group is ready to lead?!? In this breakout we will share a few practical ideas to address this challenge and share why there is hope that you’ll eventually have all the leaders you need.

What if sharing participation is less about delegating and more about the heart of the delegator? What if leadership-level spiritual transformation is dependent upon stewardship of equipping group members more than "doing" for group members? Join us for an interactive time of studying the ministry of Christ and learning how our Redeemer can reorient the worship of our hearts to transform how and why we share participation.

If you are a new leader or if this is the first Group Leader Training event you've attended, you should attend this breakout. We'll go over the responsibilities and requirements of leading as well as the practical nitty gritty of leading your group each week.


2020 Winter Re:Group Leader Training - Modeling Authenticity "Real"


Sharing Caring