Overcoming Spiritual Apathy Leader Training Teaching Sep 11 Written By Jason DeGraaff How do we get out of a place of spiritual emptiness when we struggle with the motivation to pursue Christ? In this breakout we'll examine what to do when your love for Christ has grown cold and your heart is weary, frustrated, or empty. Northridge Groups · Overcoming Spiritual Apathy Presentation Slides Notes Pursue ChristSpiritual GrowthSpiritual Disciplines Jason DeGraaff
Overcoming Spiritual Apathy Leader Training Teaching Sep 11 Written By Jason DeGraaff How do we get out of a place of spiritual emptiness when we struggle with the motivation to pursue Christ? In this breakout we'll examine what to do when your love for Christ has grown cold and your heart is weary, frustrated, or empty. Northridge Groups · Overcoming Spiritual Apathy Presentation Slides Notes Pursue ChristSpiritual GrowthSpiritual Disciplines Jason DeGraaff