2 Opportunities For Your Group To Serve Our Community
This past Sunday we preached on being a church that cares beyond its walls.
But we don't just want to preach about it, we want to take action.
We want to move as a church toward those who are hurting, in need, struggling with poverty, addictions, and broken relationships with God and others.
Community Groups provide an incredible opportunity for us to learn about and move to meet those needs together.
In order to move our church toward caring beyond our walls, here are 2 things we are asking all groups to do.
1. Group Discussion about Hope International in Malawi The Week of November 6th.
In place of sermon discussion on the week of November 6th, our Beyond team put together a discussion guide and videos for your group to watch and discuss.
To make sure this discussion goes smoothly as a group, we suggest you test out playing these videos on a TV ahead of time.
We are working on additional options for video playback.
2. Find a Beyond Partner to Serve With As A Group
There are numerous ways for your group to get involved in serving our Community.
Here are 2 opportunities for your group to serve together shared with us from our partners:
Trunk Or Treat
Saturday, October 29th
Northridge Rochester Campus
Northridge Church is hosting our annual Trunk or Treat to help strengthen the families of our Beyond Partners David's Refuge & RISE Community School 106! The premise is simple... A bunch of us band together, deck out our trunks with creative themes, and are ready with candy and fun interactive activities for kids! Families will move from car to car, collecting candy and playing games at each stop. Costumes are encouraged!
Compass Care Monthly Mailing Teams
Here are the days and times are available for groups to come in or pick-up mailings:
In-person groups: A 3-4 hour block between the hours of 9AM-9PM
Monday, October 24th through Thursday, November 3rd (except Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays)
Thursday, November 17th through Thursday, December 8th (except Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays)
Pick-up: M-F from 9am-5pm
Friday, October 21st through Tuesday, November 1st
Thursday, November 17th through Thursday, December 8th
CompassCare is educating the community on the equal value of all human life, from the womb to the tomb, and what it means to be human under God. The Production Team is a critical component to delivering these resources through monthly mailings. Groups interested in participating in prepping mailings can contact Dan Prouty at (585) 559-0241 and dan.prouty@compasscare.info.
If you have further questions about opportunities to serve with our Beyond Partners, check out the link below or contact Michelle Gerringer mgerringer@NorthridgeRochester.com.
Do you have questions or concerns about your group, please reach out to your coach. We'd love to help!