Group Leader Resources & Updates
- 1 Timothy 4:12-16
- ABC's
- Accountability
- Adding People
- Apply The Bible
- Attendance
- Authenticity
- Baptism
- Beginning of Trimester
- Beyond
- Bible Reading
- Bible Study
- Break
- Brighton
- Building Relationships
- COVID-19
- Care
- Celebration
- Change
- Checklist
- Childcare
- Christmas
- Coaches
- Communion
- Community
- Confession
- Confrontation
- Connection
- Counseling
- Cultivate Relationships
- Curr
- Curriculum
- Database
- Dates
- Delegation
- Developing Leaders
- Difficult People
- Dinner
- Dis
- Discipleship
- Discussion
- End of Trimester
- End of Trimester Feedback
- Ending On Time
- Essentials
- Expectations
- Facilitation
One Idea To Keep Your Group Engaged
Online meetings becoming a drag? Community Group growing a little stale? Check out this idea from one of our leaders
6 Ideas For Sharing Your Stories in Group
How well do you know your group members? Here are 6 simple ways to share your stories.
What Your Group Members Aren't Telling You
How do you get your group members to share their struggles? How much should we expect they'll share?
Everything You Need To Do Before Group Next Week
Are you ready for group? Make sure to cover these 9 details before group begins.
Take the Awkward out of Awkward Silences
Here are 8 ways to help your group overcome the challenge of awkward silence.
When Discussion Gets Off-Topic
Does your group struggle to stay on topic? Here are 6 ways we can help our discussions to remain focused.
Help with Timing Issues
We can demonstrate a respect for the people in our group by showing respect for their time in a tangible way: by starting and ending on time.
6 Ways to Boost Group Discussions
Struggling with group discussion? Here are some ideas to help boost participation.