3 Ideas To Help Your Group Grow Spiritually & Relationally
Hi Group Leaders,
We are on the home stretch of the fall Community Group Trimester. 3 more weeks until the winter break begins (November 18).
As you look to make the most of your last 3 weeks, here are 3 ideas to help your group grow spiritually and relationally.
1. Prayer Partners
I've seen several groups, including my own, recently hand out 3x5 cards in the prayer time. Everyone takes a moment to write down their name and prayer requests before sharing them.
Then they exchange their card with another person in the group.
For those who have never prayed out loud, this is a great tool to make it easier to pray. All they have to do is read what their partner wrote.
To make sure that we don't forget to pray during the week, each group member is asked to reach out to their partner at least 1x during the week via text, phone call, or in-person to check on how their partner is doing and pray for them.
They can also put the 3x5 card in a visible place as a daily reminder to pray for them.
2. Acts Plan
As a Church we are teaching through the beginning of the book of Acts. Acts is 28 chapters long.
The book of Acts is perfect 4-week Bible reading plan to do with your group. We have 5 weeks left of the series.
Why not invite your group to do the Bible Project 28-Day Acts Reading Plan in YouVersion?
Each day my group has been reading this together, and sharing our takeaways in the YouVersion app so we can see what we are learning.
3. Celebrate Communion & Meal
This Sunday we are taking a look at what the first church looked like in Acts 2:41-47.
A huge part of the early church was eating in homes together and using bread and juice to celebrate communion.
Either this week, or before the group trimester is out, set up a meal and spend time meditating on the Gospel together through communion.
How Can We Help You?
How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!