1 Easy Way For Your Group To Serve and Connect
Hi Group Leaders,
One of the most frequent comments we get from our end-of-the-year Community Groups survey, is that people wish that they could have more connections together outside of their group meetings.
Well, here is one opportunity for your group to connect together and impact others; an opportunity to be missional with your group.
Our Brighton Campus Launch is just 1 month away, but there is a lot that needs to happen before then.
Would your group be willing to do a Brighton Campus serving project?
If so, reach out to our Brighton NYM Resident Josh Myles to coordinate: jmyles@NorthridgeRochester.com
Below is a list of some of the things we are working on and groups may be able to help with, including a meal train for the workers who are doing the finishing touches on the building.
Hanging all the TV's and connecting them to Chromecast and Network
Vacuuming every room
Vacuum brown furniture for the green room
Cleaning the gym floor
Setup and lint roll all of the auditorium chairs
Clean the bathrooms
Assemble furniture
Assemble cubby units for kids ministry areas
Set up tables and chairs in classrooms
Go room by room and clean/dust/set things up appropriately
Wipe down the kids playland with clorox wipes
Move toy bins from closet into appropriate rooms (wipe down bins)
Setup cubicles and desks in the office spaces
Build the shelves for the cafe prep area and set them in place
Check on the gas attached to the stove in the kitchen and make it work
Find high top tables for the kids min check ins, connect and gathering room
Setup the connect space, t-shirt racks or something for drip to sit on
Fully clean kitchen, wipe down everything
Wash windows inside and out
Stretch fabric on 6 acoustic panels for the auditorium
Dust or wipe down the ceiling in the auditorium
Inventory cleaning closet
How Can We Help You?
How are your first few weeks of group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with?
Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!