What You Need To Know About Leading During the Mountain Mover Series in March
This Sunday (3/5) we begin our 4-week Mountain Mover sermon series. In this series we'll take a look through the Gospels at the 4 times Jesus said, "You of little faith."
As we mentioned before this group trimester began, we would like every Community Group to discuss this sermon series together over the next 4 weeks. It is an important series for the life of our church as we stretch our faith and share vision for our Brighton Campus.
Here are a few details you should know about as you prepare to lead your Community Group through this series:
Mountain Mover Booklets
This Sunday (3/5), everyone will receive a Mountain Mover booklet with details about our Brighton Campus as well as sermon notes and sermon discussion questions. Make sure to remind your group to bring this booklet with them on Sundays and to group.
This week we are beginning a 28-Day Prayer Challenge. Set aside time each day to pray for life change within yourself, others at Northridge, and the people of our city. There are prayer cards available in the church lobbies on Sunday and anyone can turn on daily prayer notifications on the Northridge app.
Prayer Night
On Sunday, March 12th, 5:30pm-7:30pm, we'll have an open house prayer night at our Brighton Campus. Invite your group members to join you, walk through the building, and pray for what God may do to build His kingdom in the days ahead!
Mountain Mover Website
As you or group members have questions about the Brighton Campus and all that is happening at our church during this series, this is the best place place to go. Before group this week, we'd encourage you to take a look at the website so you can be prepared to answer any questions in your group.
One of our staff values is "influence". We say it this way, "We will lead the way, not just point the way."
As Community Group Leaders, the best way to lead our group members is by first being lead by God.
Take some time to pray for what God may do in your heart during this series as we pray for God to stretch our faith and move mountains we never thought could move.
"He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20
Upcoming Dates
January 15th - April 1st Winter Community Group Trimester (11 weeks)
Sunday, March12th 5:30-7:30PM Mountain Mover Prayer Night at Brighton Campus
April 16th - May 27th Spring Community Group Trimester (6 weeks)
Friday, June 2nd, 7:05pm Group Leader Red Wings Game
If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, reach out to your coach.
We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.
Additional Resources That May Be Helpful
Why Group Relationships Are Ineffective