10 Ideas To Change Up Your Group This Week
It can be easy this time of year to grow a bit weary of the weekly routine and just look forward to the break.
The goal of Community Groups is not meetings, its relationships.
If we are not careful, we turn Community Groups into a meeting to show up to while missing out on the meaningful relationships God has designed us to share.
One of the best ways to get our heads and our hearts refocused, is to change up our weekly routine.
Here are 10 ideas to change up your group this week:
1. Bring extra snacks for more intentional/extended social time.
2. Do a weekly dinner and communion together.
3. Skip sermon discussion and take turns sharing your faith story (1 person, 1 place, 1 event that shaped your faith)
4. Do “Show and Tell” with your group, sharing about 5-10 items.
5. Have everyone in the group answer a list of questions to get to know each other better.
6. Go to the Lilac Festival together
7. Have a game night.
8. Help a group member in need (moving, yard work, meal cooking night together)
9. Attend a sporting event, play, or concert of a group member or their child.
10. Have one gender watch kids together while the other gender goes out together.
Instead of a typical group meeting, pick one of these ideas, and change up your group this week.
What is 1 idea you can try to engage in a more meaningful way?